
"This city is one place where a person who goes out for a peaceful walk is liable to come home with a shiner or bloody nose, and he's almost as likely to get it from a cop's nightstick as from a couple of squareheads who haven't got the few dimes to chase pussy on the high rides in Riverview..."

Operating between 1904 and 1967, Riverview Park, located at Belmont and Western Avenues, was Chicago's largest amusement park. Although the city boasted a large number of amusement parks in the early part of the twentieth century, Riverview is today the best remembered park, memorialized in books, documentaries and fansites like Riverview Memories.

Today a shopping center and the main campus of DeVry University is located on the former site of the park. The photo shows a view of the DeVry parking lot.

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